Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What's in a Name?

When I first started the Challenge, like many of you, I thought to remain anonymous. So, what would be my new identity? While pondering this question, I thought about my favorite actor (hard not to do that since there are photos of him all over my office!). I didn't want to use his name, so I thought about my two favorites of the characters he has played - Buck (Magnificent Seven) and Darien (Time Trax.) I love alliteration, so I first came up with BucksBabes. Ah, perhaps not terribly appropriate and also there is a Yahoo Group that I belong to with that name. Sooo, I tried several alliterative Darien combinations and suddenly, I thought of DariensDarlin (Darlin' being one of Buck's favorite words) Hey, I got both of the characters in there! :-) Thus my email account was created, and my nom-de-plume, Darien.

Now came the problem of a blog name. Still lovin' the alliteration, I tried all sorts of Buck and Darien combos, all to no avail. Basically, they all stunk.

Suddenly, the word scoundrel popped into my head. Buck is often described as a scoundrel in fanfiction, which I read lots of. He's not a scoundrel, of course, but I thought that perhaps I could be considered so. Once I had scoundrel, scribblings just seemed a perfect fit.

Voila! A Scoundrel's Scribblings was born and I was now a blogger!

My story is not terribly philosophical or literate (except for the alliteration bit), it has no redeeming social value, and is of interest probably only to me. However, it is very personal.

So, I have bared all (so to speak) and given the reasoning behind my blog name. Who's next?


Debbie said...

So how boring is my blog name? I don't have the guts to name my blog for an actor crush, plus, I have a new guy to blush over since we started the challenge. My first guy, Mr. H.C., as beautiful a man(IMHO) as ever walked this planet, had a bit part in a fantasy movie, so I had to check him out. Well,as fate and fickleness would have it, I was taken by another actor in the movie, who is closer to my age, a much better actor, and as sexy a man as I've ever seen. Not naming him, but he's on my desk wallpaper.

Darien said...

OK, I'm offically on vacation and my mind has already flown the coop, but who is H. C.? *having a senior moment, here*

And I can see I'm going to have to come by your desk next week and check out your wallpaper. :-)

Debbie said...

Henry Cavill. Google image him and see what you think.

And the guy on my wallpaper is Nathaniel Parker.

Dee said...

I got on your blog because you posted on mine. I love this photo of Dale. There are lots of us Dale fans out there. I have not had time to read your blog, but I plan to when I have more time- this being a holiday weekend, I am about to head out the door. Thanks for posting on mine.

Dee said...

Hey there- I read where you are ladygarnet, I am txgirl. I enjoyed reading your blog. But you have quit posting. Is this because this challenge is over?

Darien said...

Hey Dee/txgirl!

Isn't it a small world? Good to know that us Dale fans can find each other just about anywhere.

True, I haven't been posting regularly. I am not a daily blogger anyway. I haven't the time, plus I also have an LJ (not much posting there, either) as well as quite a number of lists and groups that I belong to.

The challenge is over, but I keep meaning to get back here and post some more. At least I have lots of lolcats to add.

I see that you are a regular exerciser! Go, girl! I have just returned to my gym and am trying to get back into the exercise mode. Oh, my aching muscles!

Looking forward to seeing you around, either here, on your blog, or on Dale's message board. :-)