Friday, March 7, 2008

Here is my attempt to publish a Google Docs document to my blog. I must say, that isn't exactly what I had in mind. I wanted to just post it as a link. *sigh* Obviously, I have much to learn. :-)

One additional note that makes Google Docs a web app to consider using is that it is available on the web and at any time. You don't have to have Word, Excel, or any other program installed on your computer, and you can access documents when you are away from your own computer. Shiny!

Having said that, I still don't plan on using Google Docs regularly. However, one probably shouldn't say never, eh?


Internal Uses

  • Monthly Statistical Report
  • Volunteer Database
  • Incident Report
  • Section Documents (i.e. SRP, etc.)

The first possible internal use for Google Docs that occurs to me is the Monthly Statistical Report that all Supervisors must file. Our separate reports are emailed to the Library Services Manager, and then forwarded to Shelly to compile into a single report. Perhaps the template could be set up by Shelly and then each supervisor would contribute their portion. Shelly could then compile the copies for the Board wihtout a lot of further input. Just a thought, anyway.

We currently have the Volunteer Database set up on the network. It might also be possible to use Google Docs for this document.

The Incident Report is another document which is added to and edited by a number of people. This might be another possible use of Google Docs.

Also, perhaps some sections would find it useful for other documents which are used or edited by several people. I can see possibilities for Children's SRP documents.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Considering that you're a die hard Word Perfect user, that's a big step for you. But, I'm not surprised you won't be using Google Docs regularly. I probably won't either, they had to leave out some things to make all of it work.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Considering that you're a die hard Word Perfect user, that's a big step for you. But, I'm not surprised you won't be using Google Docs regularly. I probably won't either, they had to leave out some things to make all of it work.

King Kitty & Ownee said...

I'm really enjoying going back and reading each person's blog. I absolutely love the kitty pictures!They couldn't be more purrfect.